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地球のみなさんこんにちは、Rehana Seljan です㋡
Hello Earthling, I’m Rehana Seljan㋡

Poet's Heart - Marisol

Poet’s Heart から Marisol が発売されました。The Secret Affair の会場で購入できます。カラーは全13色、サイズはスタンダードサイズ5サイズです。Rehana 着用カラーは Summer です。

Marisol top and skirt are new release from Poet’s Heart in The Secret Affair. This outfit have 13 colors, Autumn, Dream, Dusk, Earth, Fire, Forest, Ice Cream, Ocean, Pearl, Spring, Summer, Water, Winter. Its have 5 standard size.

Poet's Heart - Marisol

[Styling Note]
+ Outfit | Poet’s Heart – Marisol (Summer) @The Secret Affair July
+ Jewel | CHOP ZUEY – Flamenco Gypsy (Moonstone) – NEW!!
+ Shoe | Pure Poison – Fabia Sandals (for Slink and more)
+ Nail | La Boheme – Loutus Mandala (for Slink)
+ Hair | Opale – Kelly Hair (Black pack) @Tres Chic (until 5th Aug)
+ Make | Zibska – Cacia Eyemakeup (17) @Shiny Shabby (until 15th Aug)
+ Make | Zibska – Sassa Lips (18) @Shiny Shabby (until 15th Aug)
+ Pose | PosESioN – Flamenco